
Materials, Partnerships and Fundraising

We are a small team of passionate and committed individuals, but sometimes it’s hard to get everything that needs doing done.  We need the support of passionate and willing ‘Orang Laut’ (which means ‘sea people’ in Bahasa Indonesia), individuals or organisations, to join us in our mission to protect and conserve the most marine biodiverse and abundant reefs on earth.

Our team of Orang Laut, who support us from afar, are the key to our success! And no matter where you are in the world, you CAN still make a direct difference and contribute to the success of our field operations.

We currently seek the following from passionate and kind people around the world. Please Contact Us if you can contribute to any of the below ‘wishlist’ items.

Scuba Diving Gear – Partner/ Sponsor

Much of our work, in particular reef restoration, COTS mitigation, MPA monitoring, and the training of local people to conduct such activities, requires the use of scuba diving gear.

The sea is our office, and our dive gear our uniform. Whilst in many countries a uniform may not particularly meaningful or enjoyed, here in Raja Ampat a unified image is both essential and meaningful; reinforcing a sense of pride and belonging to our team – the Orang Laut (meaning ‘sea people’ in Bahasa Indonesia).


Scuba Diving Gear Raja Ampat

Currently, the scuba diving equipment in use is personal equipment provided by our Founders and local team. However, as we upscale our projects and expand to train and include even more local community members, it is essential we can provide a larger amount of quality and safe equipment.

The SEA People operates on limited resources, and given this, the purchase of quality scuba diving equipment reduces our capacity to train and employ local people; therefore, we currently seek a partner or sponsor willing to support us in this matter, and directly contribute to fieldwork that protects and conserves the most bio-diverse coral reefs on Earth.

Peer to Peer Fundraisers

People power is key to our success, and our vision is to empower a global tribe of Orang Laut (‘sea people’) to ACT in the protection and defense not only the world’s most marine biodiverse location and last coral reef stronghold, but in their very own home environment too.

Being based in the field and in a remote area, we do not always have the capacity to pursue fundraising activities as we would like to.  Therefore, we currently seek individuals willing to conduct fundraising and awareness activities and campaigns on our behalf, from anywhere in the world!  Whether it be an online crowdfunding campaign, a dinner or a BBQ, a presentation at your local club, a walkathon, beach cleanup (or anything else you can think of!) we seek Orang Laut from around the world to advocate and act on our behalf, to raise funds that help our organization protect and conserve the reefs of Raja Ampat.

Lemonade Stand for The SEA People

Lemonade stand in Cap d’Antibes, France, to raise funds for The SEA People

Each and every year, worldwide, the majority of charitable giving (over 70%!*) comes from individuals – not corporations, private sector or government grants; individuals just like you, your family, friends and colleagues. So your donation, or any funds your raise through your network, matters more than you could ever know!

*fyi – in the US alone this amounted to $309.6billion in 2019!

Corporate Social Responsibility – Private Sector

The SEA People currently seek appropriate CSR programs from ethical and socially responsible private sector organisations.

By partnering with The SEA People, the private sector can fulfill its environmental and sustainable development goals objectives, whilst receiving bother measurable (and measured) outputs from within the field.

Partnering with The SEA People can help demonstrate a social responsibility that can, amongst other things, be leveraged to obtain and retain customers, improve customer and employee engagement, and leverage brand differentiation.

Contact Us to find out more about how The SEA People can contribute to your organizations CSR objectives.

CSR Corporate Social Responsibility The SEA People Raja Ampat

Volunteer Positions Vacant

Please visit our Positions Vacant page to see Volunteer opportunities that are currently available with The SEA People.

Contact Us

Please contact us using this form if you are able to support us with any of the items listed on our Wishlist.  Thankyou.

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